?How is carpet exported
In order to export carpets, you must know the rules. Having a commercial card is one of the most important rules for exportation. To issue the products, you must first go to the Chamber of Commerce and request a commercial card. After that, by getting a valid Commercial ID Card and a certificate of origin from the Chamber of Commerce, you can start the exportation of carpets. Another important rule is that it is forbidden to export carpets produced with unstandardized dyed yarns and synthetic fibers. It is possible to export carpets to all countries around the world.

How to get a Commercial ID Card
What steps should a person who intends to enter the business field take to obtain a license? This article explains the process and steps that must be taken by the applicants to get a Commercial ID Card.
According to Tejarat News, a commercial card is a license to carry out commercial activities such as import and export. In general, the Commercial ID Card is an identity document for exporters and importers. This means that if the executive bodies want to authenticate a person, they must demand an identity document to perform exportation.
In fact, according to the country’s laws, a Commercial ID Card is a license that allows its holder, whether real or legal, to trade goods. Therefore, those in Iran who have a Commercial ID Card can export or import goods. By using a Commercial ID Card, the business can perform activities such as shipment, customs clearance, and import and export from free zones.
Commercial cards are divided into two types, natural and legal, which do not differ much and their advantages are almost the same. But trading specific goods announced by the Chamber of Commerce or the Ministry of Privacy only requires legal Commercial ID Cards. At the same time, the legal Commercial ID Card is more valid in international forums. So, the type of activity of a businessman determines whether they will need a legal Commercial ID Card or a natural one.
One of the reasons why commercial cards exist is that by them the commercial system can collect and organize the statistics and information of foreign trade activists and assert the rights of the government.
Applications of Commercial ID Cards
The holder of a Commercial ID Card has authorities that other people do not have. This card is to do some activities such as “ordering goods from factories”, “importing from free zones”, “clearance of the goods in customs”, “doing affairs in banks”, etc.
A commercial card has two signatures, one is the signature of Iran’s Chamber of Cooperative which is the issuer of the card, and the second signature belongs to the Ministry of Industry, Mines, and Trade, which signs the commercial card on behalf of the government. People who apply for a Commercial ID Card must meet certain conditions to become a member of the chamber.

Commercial ID Card issuance processes
- :Some processes required to issue a Commercial ID Card include
- Registering in the system and completing the information such as personal details, economic code, registration details, contact details, and details of the board of directors and shareholders
- Participation in the training class
- Bank certificate confirming the good bank credit of the current account
- Contract confirming rules and conditions to receive a Commercial ID Card and confirmation of signature by notary offices
- Certificate of the tax account of the last year stating that the issuance of a commercial card is unimpeded
- The two original pages of the declaration of registration in commercial offices, which have been certified by the Companies Registration Office
- The production license in the name of the person requesting the commercial card
Necessary steps to get a Commercial ID Card
:As announced by the Tehran Chamber of Commerce’s website, obtaining a Commercial ID Card for a natural person has 11 steps, which are as follows
1- Original document of registration in commercial offices, which has been certified by the Companies Registration Office (applicants should visit http://irsherkat.ssaa.ir/Design/Establishment.aspx to receive the declaration).
2- Original certificate of clean records issued less than 6 months
3- The D Form (completed from the website with the seal and signature of the applicant and notary public)
4- Systematic sending of the certificate subject to Article 186 related to the last year’s background confirming that the issuance of a Commercial ID Card is unimpeded in the current year by the relevant tax affairs organization.
5- Original identity card (In case of any changes in the registration details, scanning and uploading the photo ID from all pages is required)
6- Scanning and uploading photo
7- Original educational certificate (At least a high school diploma)
8- Original Military service completion card or permanent exemption for men
9- Being at least 23 years old.
10- Original bank certificate confirming the current account in the applicant’s name and not having any returned checks along with the original checkbook
11- Providing the economic code or pre-registration confirmation on the tax.gov.ir website
Other documents required to issue a Commercial ID Card
:Required documents for issuing a legal Commercial ID Card are
1- The original document of registration in commercial offices must reach the Companies Registration Office.
2- In the case of limited liability companies, it is mandatory to submit an application for the registration of domestic companies and an official company letter that is sealed with the seal of the Companies Registration Office. In the case of private and public joint-stock companies, the declaration of registration of private or public joint-stock companies, which is stamped with the seal of the Companies Registration Office, is mandatory.
3- The original certificate clean background that has not passed more than 6 months since its issuance.
4- The D form
5- Systematic sending of the certificate subject to Article 186 related to the last year of operation that the issuing of a Commercial ID Card is unimpeded in the current year by the relevant tax affairs organization.
6- Original identity card of the CEO
7- Scan and upload the photo
8- The original and valid educational certificate (At least a high school diploma)
9- The original Military service completion card or permanent exemption for men.
10- Being at least 23 years old.
11- The original bank certificate confirming the current account in the name of the company and not having any bounced checks along with the original checkbook
12- New economic code or submission of registration confirmation on Tax.gov.ir website